The Wellbeing team provides a range of supports and programs to promote the mental health and wellbeing of students and their families. With a focus on prevention and early intervention, the Wellbeing team encourages students to fully engage in their learning by equipping them with healthy mindsets and appropriate social skills. Young people in need of specialist mental health care may be referred to appropriate external services for support.
Wellbeing staff facilitate a range of preventative and early intervention workshops/programs on a range of topics as diverse as mental health literacy, respectful relationships, legal rights, study stress, social and emotional learning and much more. True Colours Alliance is a social group for members of the LGBTIQA+ community and allies and is run weekly during lunchtime. Referral for Wellbeing support Referrals to Wellbeing can be requested by students, parents/carers or Year Level Leaders. Referrals will be reviewed in the weekly Wellbeing meeting before being allocated to an appropriate member of the Wellbeing team for follow up. Wellbeing support at the College is voluntary and based on best practice. The Wellbeing team: Adrian Burrage Head of Wellbeing Emily McCarron Wellbeing Coordinator (Junior School) Roz Hosking Wellbeing Coordinator (Senior School) Stephanie Ganegoda Mental Health Practitioner [IMAGE COMING SOON] Brooke Jones Adolescent Health Nurse Andrea Mitchell Wellbeing Support Officer The Outreach team: Kate Jansz Outreach Support Worker Clair Nicoletsopoulos Outreach Support Worker Renee Jackson Outreach Support Worker Sheena Worthy Outreach Support Worker Kate Collins Outreach Education Consultant SERVICES: Counselling Students can access short-term, solutions-focused counselling to help them better manage social and emotional issues. Counsellors promote strategies to improve mental health in a safe, confidential (conditional) and non-judgemental environment. Students with more complex needs may be referred to external agencies or services for support. |
Mental Health Practitioner (MHP)
The Mental Health Practitioner is a leader in the promotion of positive mental health and other wellbeing interventions in the school. The MHP provides one-on-one counselling for students experiencing mild to moderate mental health concerns and coordinate referrals for students with more complex needs. Adolescent Health Nurse (Thursdays and Fridays) The Adolescent Health Nurse is available for one-on-one health advice and is engaged in school-wide health promotion initiatives to reduce risk to young people and promote better health. Doctors in Secondary Schools (DiSS) program (Wednesdays) Students concerned about their physical, sexual or mental health can access a Doctor and Mental Health Nurse for advice and medical care. The clinic is located onsite, is FREE (bulk-billed) and operates weekly (Wednesdays). Confidential appointments can be made using the QR code. Walk-in appointments are available at recess or lunchtime. Students will need their Medicare number and name as stated on the card. Parents are welcome to accompany their young person to an appointment. (QR Code for DiSS bookings) Or click this link. |
Resources to support your child
Crisis Services available 24/7 Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 or |