Our School

Principal's Welcome

Our core values of Community, Ownership, and Growth reflect our philosophy to extend every individual student to achieve the best possible learning outcomes from their time at McClelland.

Dear students, parents and carers,
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the McClelland College website, and extend an invitation to visit our beautiful campus for either a tour, or to one of our many school events.

Whether your child is attending secondary school for the first time or changing schools we welcome you to our community and trust that our website will outline McClelland’s outstanding Education By Design learning principles and programs. Our core values of Community, Ownership, and Growth reflect our philosophy to extend every individual student to achieve the best possible learning outcomes from their time at McClelland.

Our rich history of outstanding NAPLAN growth, Vocational Major (previously VCAL) pathways, VCE results and university placements, demonstrate the combination and success of Education By Design and our College Values.

Teaching and Learning at McClelland

McClelland College uses an Explicit Instructional Model to optimise student learning. This evidence-based method of teaching and learning serves our students well to enhance engagement, confidence and ultimately their improved learning outcomes. Aligned with our Education by Design philosophy, students are supported in every lesson to understand the learning intention, recognise the importance of each skill and concept, and master the learning through independent practice.

Tailored feedback supports students to access the next phase of their learning through regular checking for understanding, ensuring students are making sense of the curriculum and tasks. High quality teaching and learning at McClelland College supports students to deepen their understanding of subject areas, establish their interests and passions, and access future pathways.

We are proud of the academic successes of our students and continually celebrate these achievements as a College. The work of our staff parallels that of students with a shared belief in life-long learning and a Professional Learning Schedule that complements the most current educational research.

Inclusion at McClelland

McClelland College welcomes and celebrates diversity within our community, where we establish a partnership between school and families. Recognising the pivotal role that schools play in the formative years of a young person’s life, the College prioritises understanding the learner and facilitating the most appropriate supports and pathways.

A broad range of initiatives help to foster engagement including: Individual Education Planning, Koorie Education Opportunities, Disability Inclusion Profiling, Flexible Learning Programs, and Cultural Mapping and Celebration.

Personalised Learning at McClelland

At McClelland, our commitment to personalised learning is highlighted in our vast array of curriculum programs tailored to students’ abilities, passions, and talents. These programs meet students at their point of need, using evidence-based, data informed practices to maximise the growth of every student as well as igniting their passion and curiosity as learners. McClelland College provides a range of High Ability programs which are specifically tailored to extend students’ capabilities, fostering higher-order thinking skills and developing their leadership potential. Our curriculum, enrichment, and extension programs provide a supportive environment where students can thrive and build the essential knowledge and skills to become productive, responsible, and creative members of our community.

As you explore our website and when you come for a visit, look out for details of our exciting curriculum opportunities, including McClelland Academy Program (MAP) where student voice and choice determines what’s offered, our broad Instrumental Music program, extensive sporting facilities and opportunities, our camps including Year 7, Year 8 and 9, Ski camp, Surf camp, Central Australia, Year 12 camp, and our own camp, Mahaikah, which is at our second campus near Mt Sterling.

Safety and School Wide Positive Behaviours at McClelland

Students learn best when they feel safe, supported, and have consistent expectations from class to class. McClelland College is a calm and orderly environment where learning is maximised through Classroom Routines which are consistently applied to all year levels and subject areas, maximising time for instruction, learning, and skill practice. In addition to Classroom Routines, McClelland has developed and implemented best practice strategies around classroom behaviour, management through a Restorative Pyramid, clear policies for mobile phones and uniform, a code of conduct, as well as positive recognition, and celebration of growth and achievement. Teachers use classroom mastery skills such as voice, acknowledgement, praise, proximity, pauses, scanning, and gestures to ensure the classroom environment enhances learning opportunities.

A student day at McClelland 

From Grade 6 transition into Year 7, students immediately feel connected and welcomed through our Year Level based Max centres. Each year level has their own building where the leaders’ office and a common area is central to the classrooms for that year level. Year 7 and 8 students participate in Max meetings before their ‘in Max’ classes, where Year Level leaders prepare students for learning and establish work routines that will assist in transitioning them into their later school years. Students quickly get to know their teachers and leaders during class, and enjoy social time in our beautiful grounds, activity areas, and sports facilities.

Finally, I invite you to tour our website and discover all the amazing facilities and programs, the events, sporting opportunities, community engagement, student leadership projects, and most importantly, the supportive and exciting culture at McClelland. Please contact us for a tour or further information.

Laura Spence

Laura Dowdell Spence

College Principal