Middle School

Year 8


  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Inquiry
  • Japanese
  • Science
  • Active Health
ROTATIONS Technology rotation (over year 7 & 8 students will complete 1 semester of each of the following)

  • Product Design – Wood
  • Systems Engineering
  • Food Technology
  • Product Design – Plastics

Visual & Performing Arts Rotation (over Year 7 & 8 students will complete 1 semester of each)

  • Drama
  • Music
  • Art

Elective subjects are taken by students one per semester over a two year period, Year 7-8. Please see hand book for further details.


Our teachers are experts in the strategic use of the learning environment to support success.

At McClelland our outstanding facilities are used to suit the learning that is sometime individual, sometimes grouped and often collaborative.

Our flexible spaces and team based approach to teaching allows us to group students more easily and extend them in areas that simply cannot be achieved in the traditional setting.

Students are also taught and practice and learning how to learn as an individual and in group situations. All extremely important skills in gaining the best results at senior level and beyond.


Students in year 8 will continue the learning commenced at year 7 level, and both teachers and students will be expected to use the same tools, strategies, approaches and expectations as they move into this next year of their schooling. In addition to further developing their skills and understandings, year 8 students will have the opportunity to consider their personal identity, and to explore their relationships with others at school, with friends and family and in the general community in which they live. Developing a strong sense of connection to school life is an important goal at this level. The year 8 learning centre is staffed by a core group of teachers, who have shared responsibility for the needs of the students.


  1. Identity – making time to explore individual identity is the basis for the development of confidence, appropriate behaviors and tolerance. Many of the ‘issues’ that arise with students at this year level are the result of poor self esteem, and an inability for some students to respond ethically and in an acceptable manner, to conflicts and disagreements.
  2. Values/Ethics – in exploring their own identity, students will have the opportunity to consider their values, and how these impact on their attitudes and behaviors. Year 8 students will explore the relationship between their personal values, and how they interact at school, in the local community, and globally.
  3. Relationships – the work commenced on developing capacity in this area in year 7 students, will be extended in year 8 with a focus on developing skills as learners when working individually, in partnerships and in teams. Accountability to self and others will be an important theme in this work.
  4. Citizenship – time will be devoted to the development of citizenship skills in the context of the McClelland College Community


At McClelland College, we believe that having established a firm basis for success for our students in year 7, that that work should be continued and further developed as they move through the college. The MAX learning centre accommodates half of a student’s time at the college at year 8, and continues as a major vehicle for achieving this success.

In order to reinforce the three focus areas at year 8, program delivery will be highly integrated. The learning program will consist of Science, Health and PE, Technology, the Arts and the MAX Inquiry Units. Teachers working with the “specialist” subjects will have the opportunity to do their planning alongside MAX teachers, so that cross links and shared programs can be developed. This also ensures that all teachers of year 8 students present a consistent message regarding expectations for learning and general behaviors.

To further support this work and the year 8 focuses, all students will be in a Link Group. Each time they enter the 8 MAX, they will meet with this group and a designated teacher to monitor uniform, equipment, and attendance, and to use Personal Learning Journals to ensure lesson details are recorded. This time will also be used to monitor student goal setting, evidence of learning and planning for future work.

The MAX teaching team will be committed to developing and strengthening relationships with the local community, and involving them as much as possible in the learning program at the college.