

McClelland places great importance on meeting specific learning needs of individual students and is one of the most advanced colleges in developing what we call Personalised Learning. World-experts agree, and research shows, that a Personalised Learning approach is a highly effective way to equip young people in learning how to live in, and make a positive civic contribution to, a new world of rapid social, economic, environmental and technological change.

McClelland takes the time to get to know the students. Talents, passions and dreams are brought to the forefront so the purpose and direction of education can be referred to in the context of each child.

Teachers at McClelland:

  • Learn how each student learns individually without any inconvenience to the parents;
  • Help students learn about how they learn, and how they can learn more effectively;
  • Find out what students already know and what they are ready to learn; and
  • Pitch appropriate learning to a level relevant to students so as to not waste their time.

McClelland College supports Personalised Learning with:

  • Team-based teaching in flexible learning environments (eg. MAX learning environment);
  • A relentless focus on research-based teacher development and performance; and
  • A whole-school approach to planning, assessment and Personalised Learning support.

At the same time, all around the world, the importance of maintaining an orderly learning environment is also very well known.

Students at McClelland must:

  • Show respect for all members of McClelland’s community;
  • Show respect for the physical environment and resources at McClelland;
  • Dress in accordance with the uniform code;
  • Be on time to classes and have all appropriate equipment in readiness to learn;
  • Attempt set tasks to the best of their ability;
  • Willingly follow teachers’ instructions;
  • Know that disruptive behaviour is not tolerated because it stop others from learning; and
  • Understand that those who are disruptive will be removed from the main learning environment and placed into programmes more suited to their needs.

At McClelland, students’ commitment to learning is paramount, and visitors comment on the calm, productive environment when they tour our college.

The expectation at McClelland College is that maximum growth is achieved with each student. This is achieved by helping the student become more effective learners. We allow the space for students to get to understand themselves as learners, and as a result we get to understand them ourselves. This gives teachers further support for the task of guiding students on their journey to become effective, happy, resilient, life-long independent learners.

Learning independently is a skill in itself. At McClelland we test how students learn then explicitly teach them how to learn more effectively. This helps students to manipulate situations to suit their learning styles, boosts their ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills, and supports performing to outstanding levels in assessment tasks. We do not waste the student’s time by teaching what they already know or have grasped quickly. This ensures students are constantly challenged, they improve rapidly, and they spend significant time with like-minded students.

McClelland understands the importance of structuring flexible learning environments where students are grouped to target specific knowledge and skills which they are ready to learn. McClelland has been refining this approach for over 10 years and is recognised as a forward thinking school, well placed to meet the educational challenges of the future.