Our School


Our Education by Design philosophy allows our team of passionate educators to work with our students and their families to shape their education, leading them to the future and outcomes they aspire to.


At McClelland College, we understand that every child learns differently, has unique passions and desires different outcomes from their education.  We are committed to providing learning environments that align with our school values of Community, Ownership and Growth and design our learning for capacity, not age!

Our Education by Design philosophy allows our team of passionate educators to work with our students and their families to shape their education, leading them to the future and outcomes they aspire to. Recognising that education should be about individual capacity rather than just chronological age, we offer advanced VCE programs as early as Years 8 and 9.

At McClelland, we are committed to supporting students to explore and develop their individual passions and talents through programs such as our McClelland Academy Program (MAP) and select entry Extension Programs.  Our diverse range of programs supports students at every year level in their lifelong development and ongoing growth.

McClelland maintains strong connections and active partnerships with external organisations to enhance the quality, reach, and impact of our education. We are committed to continuously improving teaching and learning outcomes by engaging with business and industry partners

Click here to download our guide to Education by Design



2024 Annual Implementation Plan for improving student outcomes

2022 Annual Report to the School Community

School Strategic Plan 2022-2026