

At Year 7 and 8 students learn Information and Communication Technology via integrated units of work.

At year 9 and 10 students can elect to do ICT. Students create their own computer games, game characters, game objects and design backgrounds for each level. Students program functions for the games such as gravity, elevators, enemy characters, objects to collect to gain points and end of level objects.

Students create their own web sites using the web languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript and upload web sites to the Internet. Students use Photoshop to create their own web objects and manipulate images. Students collaborate and share ideas using social networking media such as wikis and chat rooms. Students are introduced to past technologies, current and future technologies.

Students create animations for a range of purposes such as Animated Gifs, Online advertisements, Digital Stories, Promotional movies and an Independent Project. Students create animations using Flash, Photoshop and PowerPoint.
Students use Movie Maker to bring animations, voice recordings, text and images together to create a movie.

Students create three dimensional drawings using Google SketchUp and Envisioneer Express. Students design a complete house model and if students are working above the level they will be given the opportunity to create their own physical mini-house model.

Students use business applications such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access to improve their employment opportunities. Students learn how to organise and manipulate data to solve problems in the workplace. Students create their own computer applications using a programming language. Students design real world applications that could be used in a business such as a Pizza Shop or Hardware Store

Information Technology is also taught at VCE.