

At Year 7 and 8 Japanese is taught as part of the core program.

At Year 9 and 10 students can elect to do Japanese and compare and contrast aspects of life in Japan with those in multicultural Australia and other countries, and the impact of some of these aspects on the way people behave and use language. Students learn about the importance of South East Asia in our region of the world.

Students extend their interactions to exchange information and opinions on topics such as leisure, relationships, study, careers and the media, and issues of concern to young people such as environmental issues, the impact of technology, and globalisation. They employ strategies for broadening their language awareness such as communicating with and possibly visiting a sister school in Japan.

Students draw on knowledge and skills from other domains to inform ways of applying language in new contexts.

Students explore the distinctive cultural, social and linguistic nature of the study of Japanese. They contribute to decisions about the context for learning and the sequencing of topics according to their interests and needs, including future studies and career goals.

Activities include a wide range of listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks as well as tasks that integrate these skills with intercultural understandings and language awareness.


A new and very exciting option from 2014 is choosing to be involved in the Japow! – Japanese Cultural Academy program, which involves Yrs 7 to 12 in a comprehensive exploration of all things Japanese, lots of community engagement, and learning some skills for managing a small business. Click HERE for more about McClelland’s Academy Program.

VCE Japanese Units 1, 2, 3 & 4 are also offered at McClelland giving our students the opportunity to carry learning of Japanese into their senior studies.