

At year 7 and 8 students access performance via Drama.

At year 9 and 10 students can engage in a variety of theatre and performance styles. They will explore how to develop and manipulate their voice and body to convey ideas, tell stories, portray a character and affect an audience.

Each semester will focus on a different theatrical style from a period in history, examine how it has evolved over time into the theatre we see today and explore ways to present works of this style to an audience but in a way and with a topic that is relevant to the students today.

Students will have the opportunity to work both individually and in small ensemble groups on self-devised performance tasks based on a variety of stimuli, as well as class workshops and improvisations.

The Yr 9-10 Performance elective course, whether taken for one semester or for two years, will serve as a significant introduction to both VCE Drama and Theatre Studies and, to a lesser extent, VCE Dance. Students intending to study one or more of these courses will find this elective program most beneficial, however it is not an essential pre-requisite to performing arts at VCE level.

A new and very exciting option from 2014 is choosing to be involved in the Performance Academy program, which involves Yrs 7 to 12 in a comprehensive range of performance skill development, community engagement and exploration of career paths. Click HERE for more about McClelland’s Academy Program.

Students not intending to continue in performing arts will still enjoy the class and derive great benefit in the areas of working in teams, building confidence, presenting to an audience and developing work in a creative and practical way.