


McClelland College approach to sport is unique. At the junior levels Physical Education learning is linked to a particular sport that the school participates in at the interschool sport level.

This means the students train and learn about the sport with their coaches. This ensures maximum sporting participation and learning.

A full range of winter and summer sports are offered along with athletics, cross country and swimming.

This learning is extended in the sports academy where students can follow a pathway through to the senior years in sporting areas.

For further information please consult the year level links to understand how PE is undertaken within the curriculum structure of a specific year level.


The Sports Academy Program studies how to keep active, healthy and fit and explores a variety of careers in sport.

This program promotes a range of sporting options while focusing on improvement and development in overall skills and fitness levels. Coaching and sports administration is also covered within this Academy. This Academy will be tailored to meet the interests of all members while promoting participation in interschool sports; tennis, volleyball, netball and AFL, just to name a few.

Students are able to play, umpire and explore aspects of coaching. This program focuses on skill development and passion in sport to fast track youth into a career in sport as an athlete, coach or administrator.