
Systems Engineering

This study can be applied to a diverse range of engineering fields such as manufacturing, land, water, air and space transportation, automation, control technologies, mechanisms and mechatronics, electro-technology, robotics, pneumatics, hydraulics, medical research and energy management.

Systems Engineering considers the interactions of these systems with society and natural ecosystems, the rate and scale of human impact on the global ecology and environment demands. System design and engineering take a holistic approach by considering the overall sustainability of the systems throughout their life cycle. Key engineering goals include using a project management approach to attain efficiency and optimisation of systems through innovation. Lean engineering and lean manufacturing concepts and systems thinking are integral to this study.

The study provides a pathway into a broad range of tertiary courses such as engineering and applied sciences, skilled trades and vocational training, or may lead to employment in technological industries.

Students require strong mathematics skills. Studying Physics, Information Technologies is an advantage.


UNITS 1 & 2

  • Completion of a Design Folio – with research design planning & project work planning.
  • Make an integrated Electro – Mechanical system. Test this system, diagnose faults & evaluate.

UNITS 3 & 4

  • Unit 3 school-assessed coursework: 10 per cent
  • Unit 4 school-assessed coursework: 10 per cent
  • Units 3 and 4 school-assessed task: 50 per cent
  • End-of-year examination: 30 per cent


Students focus on mechanical engineering fundamentals as the basis of understanding the underlying principles and the building blocks that operate in the simplest to more complex mechanical devices.

Outcome 1: Describe and use basic engineering concepts, principles and components, and using selected relevant aspects of the Systems Engineering Process, design and plan a mechanical or an electro-mechanical system.

Outcome 2: Make, test and evaluate a mechanical or an electro-mechanical system using selected relevant aspects of the Systems Engineering Process.


Students focus on electro-technology engineering principles and the elements that make operational electro-technology systems. The term ‘electro-technology’ encompasses systems that include electrical, electronic and microelectronic circuitry. Students develop understanding of commonly used components, their physical appearance, and how they can be represented in schematic circuit diagrams and in circuit simulation software.

Outcome 1: Investigate, represent, describe and use electro-technology and control engineering concepts, principles and components. Design and plan an electro-technology system.

Outcome 2: Make, test and evaluate an electro-technology system, using selected relevant aspects of the Systems Engineering Process.


Students commence work on the design, planning and construction of one substantial controlled integrated system. This project has a strong emphasis on designing, manufacturing, testing and innovation. Students manage the project throughout the Systems Engineering Process, taking into consideration the factors that will influence the design, planning, production and use of their integrated system. This includes knowledge of sources and types of energy that enable systems to function.

Outcome 1: Investigate, analyse and use advanced mechanical-electro-technology integrated and control systems concepts, principles and components. Design, plan and commence construction of an integrated and controlled system.

Outcome 2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and analyse and evaluate the technology used to harness, generate and store non-renewable and renewable energy.


Students use their investigations, design and planning to continue the fabrication of their integrated and controlled system. They use project and risk management methods through the construction of the system and use a range of materials, tools, equipment, and components. In the final stages of the Systems Engineering Process, students test, diagnose and analyse the performance of the system. They evaluate their processes and the system.

Outcome 1: Produce, test and diagnose an advanced mechanical-electro-technology integrated and controlled system Manage, document and evaluate the system and processes. Recognise, identify, represent, describe and explain the principles and functioning of controlled integrated technological systems.

Outcome 2: Describe and evaluate a range of new or emerging technologies, and analyse the likely impacts of a selected innovation.