
Thinking Socially

Thinking Socially is an extension of other stuides in Humanities and can be used as a pathway to VCE subjects such as History, Geography and Philosophy.

Students participating in this course explore the following “big ideas”:

  • Colonisation of Australia – settlement or invasion?
  • Political and social rights – How did we get to where we are now?
  • Wars – How have they affected our world?
  • History – Whose story is it really?
  • Change and development – How has it affected my life?
  • What’s happening to our environment and how are humans influencing this?
  • Poverty – Who’s to blame?
  • Welfare – A right or a responsibility?
  • Local issues [desalination plant, boat people, tourism] – How do they affect the way we live?
  • What’s globalisation got to do with me?
  • Growth, sustainability and ethics – What’s the connection?